LED Screen Panel Usage And Manufacturers In Europe & Turkey
Thursday, 24 June 2021
These innovative products allow many diverse sizes of screens to be able to get combination LED modules. In addition to this LED screen panels offer an opportunity to be able to design the screens in the most effective size in terms of the field where is going to be performed according to the needs of
- Published in ECHRAN
Are We Able to Install LED Screen Panels Outdoors?
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Due to technological development, imaging systems have been progressed as well as other types of fields in our lives. LED screen panel has been providing much higher quality with the developments of technology day by day. If we have a closer look into the meaning of LED, we are able to realize that LED as a word,
- Published in ECHRAN
LED Display Installation and Cost
Saturday, 22 May 2021
The LED display, known as the light-emitting circuit element, is found in many different electronic devices. With its light-emitting feature, it provides image clarity by illuminating the surroundings and the ability to use it with the ability to touch many different devices. As long as the installation of the LED displays used to obtain clearer
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Usage Areas of LED Billboards
Saturday, 22 May 2021
It is possible to develop perfect solutions with the LED billboard, which is one of the most used equipment in sports fields! Regardless of the sports branch or level of the competition, it is possible to provide quality solutions with the billboard. For this reason, it is necessary to benefit from LED solutions when signing
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What Do I Need for A LED Video Wall?
Thursday, 22 April 2021
LED video wall is defined as multiple screens created by the combination of multiple industrial screens. Video wall is a technology that offers unlimited options and advantages to its users in line with its usage areas and purpose. For this reason, it can be preferred intensely in many areas to appeal to large masses. Video
- Published in ECHRAN
How Does It Work LED Screen?
Friday, 16 April 2021
LED screen is an advertising medium, an electronic screen that uses semiconductor LEDs as a light source. LED stands for light emitting diode. The first LED screens were published in Japan and North America. These screens, which were initially used in stadiums and sports fields, later took their places on the city streets. The first
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How does LED display technology make our lives easier?
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
LED displays are a technology that allows us to make our lives easier and make business more professional. LED panels, whose functional features are more prominent, are more preferred by companies operating in the service sector. In order to increase sales and expand the customer portfolio, the preferred LED panel technology was able to positively
- Published in ECHRAN
Why Led Screens Important In Shopping Malls?
Friday, 14 June 2019
With the rapid increase in urbanization, shopping malls are located in the center of your life. Shopping center culture in Turkey has become a remarkable phenomenon that quickly transforms your lifestyle, habits and city touch. These places, where fast urbanization and consumption culture put you in your life, are the big centers built on the
What Effects the Cost of a LED Display?
Thursday, 17 January 2019
What Effects the Cost of a LED Display? Everybody is probably heard of LED displays, the devices that use LED light technology are called LED display. But the LED screens that I’m going to tell you about are not used in the home but especially in outdoor, concerts, shopping centers, advertising. Moreover, the size of
- Published in LED DISPLAY